Show stock label only on certain products

Inventory Stock Status app comes with a configuration option to allow you to control which products the labels will be displayed. By default, the app will show stock labels on all products.

You can change this setting, under "Which Products to Show Labels" section, to "Only on products with tags" option that will show a text box to enter which tags you want to limit the labels to.

You can enter multiple tags, with comma separated, like labels, home which will act as OR condition. This means, any product that as either "labels" or "home" tags in them will be eligible to display the stock label.

Example Scenario

Here's an example to help understand how tag filtering works:

Product Tags
Jacket clothing, tops
Shirt clothing, tops, show_label
Necklace accessories, show_label
Hat accessories

By default, "All products" option will be selected in the App Admin panel, that will show the label to all products. If you change it to "Only on products with tags" and enter "show_label" as the tag in the admin panel, only Shirt and Necklace will have the label displayed on them, all other products will not have the label.

If you set tag "show_label, accessories" in admin panel, Shirt, Necklace and Hat will have the label displayed on them.

Felix profile-pic


We suggest using a more explicit, descriptive tag name, like "show_stock_label" so you can easily control which products that has this label from Shopify Admin, without needing to change app settings.