Text fields support rich text editor now:
Basic font styling, bold, italic, strikethrough.
You can still use overall font colors, but now you can color parts of your labels with more granular control. Select a test and click text color icon to open color options pop-up:
Similarly to colors, select a text first, then click "Add Link" icon from the rich text options toolbar:
When you move your keyboard cursor on links, a mini pop-up will appear showing the link address (that you can click to open), edit and remove link icons. You can remove the link and convert it to plain text with delete icon.
Edit icon will open the same pop-up you used to create the link, so you can edit the link and save.
Most exciting of these options, to be able to add buttons to your label texts now. Similar to links, select a text first, then click "Add button" icon from the rich text options toolbar:
A pop-up will show button options:
Enter the URL where to button will link to, select the button shape and the color. You can preview how your button will look like in the modal. Save and close the pop-up.
When you move your cursor over a button, similar to link pop-up, there will be a mini pop-up showing button link, edit and delete button options:
Save your customized labels and enjoy richer label texts. Here is how it would look like in store-front, product detail page: